
日期:2018-11-26来源:转载点击:12064 字号: 手机:



Tiger Mountain

The Tiger Mountain has a total area of 110,000 square meters And its peak is at 1,950m above sea level. There are many towering trees that cover the verdant slopes, while serene streams, roaring waterfall And groups of playful monkeys on this beautiful mountain simply make visitors want to smile. At the plaza on the top is a gargantuan And fearsome copper statue of tiger the “king of beasts”. Surrounding the tiger are 12 giant totems, on which are 12 vivid stone tiger statues. There are a hundred animated ornamental garden tigers scattered around the mountain. At the highest spot on the peak is a People’s Hero Memorial Monument that constantly reminds people that the happiness of today was achieved at great costs, thus one ought to “remember history, commemorate martyrs, remember the original aspiration, let the monument stand for eternity”.



